Crina and Kirsten Get to Work
We have one single mission: Help women find ease, meaning and joy at work and in life. We use our experiences as business owners, entrepreneurs, mentors and inspirational leaders to explore topics that all working women care about: shitty bosses; smashing the patriarchy; balancing work and life; navigating change and getting what you want! We guarantee that you will be entertained and inspired... promise!
Friday Jul 12, 2019
How to Get What You Want
Friday Jul 12, 2019
Friday Jul 12, 2019
In this episode of the Crina and Kirsten Get to Work podcast, hosts Crina and Kirsten discuss how women can get what they want in the workplace. They suggest starting by getting clear about what you want and getting ready to ask for it in the most effective way. They acknowledge that women’s voices are often not well represented or heard. Thus, women in the workplace will likely need to take clear, tenacious, confident steps to make their work experiences as satisfying, joyful, and meaningful as possible.
Crina and Kirsten discuss what must happen before you ask for something in the workplace; first determine what it is that you wants. Kirsten believes in honoring your preferences. Be clear and know that asking for what you want will provide your employer with the opportunity to create loyalty, retention, and longevity.
What sorts of things can a woman ask for? She can ask for a raise, a job title or description, more benefits, a flexible schedule, training, ways to seek advancement opportunities, physical modifications to the work space, challenging assignments and even such less tangible things as the consideration of her opinion and things that will make her feel effective at work.
Crina and Kirsten talk through challenges that stand in the way of asking, such as fear and the difficulty of talking about money or self worth. Our hosts encourage women to be confident and willing to navigate conversations that are not as easy. They provide advice on how to prepare , how to schedule a meeting with the appropriate decision-maker, to work to understand the perspective of the conversation partner and to anticipate possible objections to their proposals. Given the cost of not asking and the potential for productive workplace change after asking, Crina and Kirsten are confident that women will benefit much from actively seeking the workplace change that they desire.
We love to hear and share your stories, so write us at the email address included below!
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Friday Jul 12, 2019
Let Me Introduce You to Yourself
Friday Jul 12, 2019
Friday Jul 12, 2019
Being self aware can be a great gift to yourself and your coworkers, but are you being perceived accurately at work? What is your personal brand? Is it accurate? Is it helping you succeed or standing in your way?
Friday Jul 12, 2019
Horrible Bosses
Friday Jul 12, 2019
Friday Jul 12, 2019
In this episode of Get To Work your hosts Crina and Kirsten discuss bad and horrible bosses. A few characteristics that typically marks a bad boss are micromanagement, macromanagement, failure to communicate with staff, not being solution oriented, or being all about oneself.
There are so many difficult behaviors that characterize bad bosses that BambooHR has created a Bad Boss Index. Some traits that were found were: having a condescending attitude, having a mean or bad temper, inappropriate behavior, and harassing the employees. An interesting finding from their research was that women are more annoyed about most behaviors than men, except for a few noted specific behaviors that seem to set off men more. But altogether, what made people the angriest was when someone took credit for his or her work.
In general, all behaviors that make employees feel devalued are characteristic of terrible bosses. If you find yourself in such a situation, Crina and Kirsten offer solutions. If you decide to leave the current toxic situation , create your exit plan but still do the best work you can. The mindset you have to have is to create the best springboard for your next job. And in the meantime, document your experience. These will enable you to improve yourself, your position, and figure out whether you were right at the time. And if you found yourself as the boss doing the above – please stop immediately.
We love to hear and share your stories, so write us at the email address included below!
Check out the BambooHR’s Bad Boss Index
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Friday Jul 12, 2019
Mr. Magoo: Unconscious Incompetence
Friday Jul 12, 2019
Friday Jul 12, 2019
Today on Get to Work, Crina and Kirsten discuss unconscious incompetence and about what it’s like to have a Mr. Magoo or a Commander McBragg in the workplace. The two hosts also talk about how do you make work meaningful, joyous and fun, considering how long we spend our days in the workplace. We’re not going for mediocre! Everyone is welcome here.
The conversation starts with Crina sharing something that’s been on her mind: dress code. Although this is not the bulk of the episode’s theme, it is worth mentioning. Crina describes a show she was watching where middle school girls were worried about what to wear to a dance. The principal announces, “Don’t forget…nothing short, nothing tight…and we’re gonna have a good night!” What is this saying to young girls? Hide your sexuality, anything that might be found as attractive… and then come? The interesting thing is why the males weren’t being addressed. This topic really got Crina and Kirsten riled up- and could make for a successful new episode!
Next, the two discuss Mr. Magoo. Remember the cartoon with the short bald man? He walks the world with his eyes closed and bumps into things- portraying a hilarious juxtaposition. Are people in your workplace like Mr. Magoo? This is where unconscious incompetence comes in. Crina and Kirsten discuss Noel Burch’s four levels of competency, or lack thereof.
Sometimes unconscious incompetence is a beautiful place to be. It could be the feeling you have when you start a new job. The unfortunate thing is when someone stays in this phase for too long…especially when it’s your boss. Crina talks about an experience she had when her boss was struggling with this. Crina ended up reaching out to the board letting them know that he needed to move on as there was too much risk. Think the old, outdated cartoon called Commander McBragg. Luckily, her organization had a 360 Review Process and the feedback was unanimous. The worst-case scenario is your boss struggling with unconscious incompetence. If your co-worker is the one dealing with unconscious incompetence, it would be a great idea to create a relationship with them. You can offer support and a lot of details. A lot of these situations are not in your control so you will have to decide what works best for you.
Do you have a situation or story to share? Crina and Kirsten would love to hear from you!
Learn more about Noel Burch
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Friday Jul 12, 2019
What is Your Professional Mindset? Scarcity vs. Abundance in the Workplace.
Friday Jul 12, 2019
Friday Jul 12, 2019
This episode of Get To Work is about finding your own professional mindset. Many find it hard to accept that we have control of our own mindset. In this episode, Crina and Kirsten tell you how you can not only identify yours, but develop it to help you better reach your goals.
Crina and Kirsten’s discussion of professional mindsets centers around the idea of scarcity vs. abundance, not as it is related to money, but in the opportunities you have around you. Crina and Kirsten share how these minds sets manifest themselves in the workplace and impact work. For an abundant mindset, you need to have big ideas, be able to stretch these ideas, and find the time to accomplish them. People with a scarcity mindset have few ideas and are scared by change in their professional life. Other dichotomies our hosts mention that you should consider are proactive vs. reactionary, are you happy vs. are you resentful, or do you create energy in a room or do you drain it. Take time to reflect on how you engage in your life.
The biggest factor that we have control over in the workplace is our own mindset. Reflect and be aware of your mindset. We can choose to let go of our limited mindset and open ourselves up to more possibilities and find how much more we’re capable of in the workplace.
We love to hear and share your stories, so write us at the email address included below!
Check out The Remarkable Advantage of Abundant Thinking
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Friday Jul 12, 2019
It's Up to You, Sister!
Friday Jul 12, 2019
Friday Jul 12, 2019
In this episode of Crina and Kirsten Get To Work, our hosts Crina and Kirsten talk about lifting women up in the workplace, supporting and advancing each other, and punching the patriarchy in the face.
Crina talks about her new consulting firm, and how hard it is to deal with the lack of feedback she gets from being her own boss. She tells a story about running into one of her clients at the grocery store, and her client spoke some kind words and encouraged her in her work. It’s those acts of kindness and words of affirmation that energize your trajectory, and it shows the importance of being generous with your compliments.
Our hosts talk about the glass ceiling preventing women from entering leadership roles. They reference the study Women In The Workplace 2018 by According to the study, women earn more bachelor’s degrees than men. Women were also found to be staying in the workplace just as long as men and they ask for raises and promotions as much as men. If all these things are true, how are women not promoted and hired as frequently? Why do women represent a significantly lower percentage of workers in management and upper-level management positions? What are the barriers to climbing the ladder? Much of it is a result of gender discrimination and bias. Both men and women have can have this bias.
How can we help and support each other? It’s women’s responsibility to lift each other up and help each other. Kirsten uses the women of the Obama administration as an example of women that do just that. It’s important to mentor other women or just be intentional with developing relationships with other women in your workplace.
We love to hear and share your stories, so write us at the email address included below!
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Friday Jul 12, 2019
Build a Women's Network!
Friday Jul 12, 2019
Friday Jul 12, 2019
On this episode of Crina and Kirsten Get To Work, our hosts Crina and Kirsten consider different aspects of networking. Specifically, the challenges that women face when it comes to networking. Crina and Kirsten offer ways that listeners can address engage those challenges. Our hosts begin the episode by sharing their own experience with one form of networking, social media usage, or lack thereof. They discuss how social media can be a tool for networking depending on where you are at in your career.
Crina and Kirsten discuss the ‘why’ and ‘how’ behind networking. Shocking to both hosts, 70% of people in 2016 were hired at a company where they already had a connection there. They report additional statistics found that 80% of professionals consider networking to be one of the core components of their success; whilst 35% of folks say that a casual conversation with another person has led to a significant opportunity. Networking seems to be the “magic ingredient” to success. Crina talks about the networking challenges she faced while working for a non-profit and how she’s changed her strategy now that she’s a consultant. Now, as a consultant, her entire business is based on networking; including utilizing the personal connections she’s made over the course of her career. Kirsten tells a story about one of her networking failures.
Going to events does not necessarily equate to making personal connections with people in the community.
Now, as a consultant, her entire business is based on networking; including utilizing the personal connections she’s made over the course of her career.
Kirsten and Crina discuss the challenges women specifically face in networking. These challenges include a woman being concerned that a networking opportunity with a man may be perceived as some sort of advance. Another would be a competition mindset that says there can only be so many women “at the top”. They suggest women-only networking circles as a solution to some of those challenges. And as always, they end with positive steps working women can take to create a robust network of support and connection.Women should be more intentional about networking with other women. Kirsten tells a story about one of her networking failures, and our hosts finish by talking about the benefits of keeping a written list of people in your network.
We love to hear and share your stories, so write us at the email address included below!
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Friday Jul 12, 2019
Are You Engaged (at Work)?
Friday Jul 12, 2019
Friday Jul 12, 2019
In this episode of Crina and Kirsten Get To Work, your hosts sit down to discuss disengagement in the workplace, how it contributes to dissatisfaction in the workplace and how we can become more engaged. Before delving into this subject, we take a little detour to consider ‘Marie Kondo-ing our heads’ and the value of trimming out activities and other time thieves from our lives to focus on what’s most important. By reevaluating your time and how you use it, Kirsten points out how we can maintain ease, joy, and meaning – in addition to our well-being, connections, curiosity, productivity, creativity, and generally, living a wholesome life. This revaluation helps put quality over quantity.
And on to disengagement . . . .
Gallup’s 2018 poll regarding the state of the American workplace shows that 70% of U.S. workforce is disengaged while at work. This is a staggering number. And 13% are actively disengaged – meaning they are actually sabotaging or getting in the way of work. Lots of these folks are actively looking for new jobs. Wow – that is a lot of unhappy people and gloomy findings! When employees are disengaged with their work, they start exhibiting questionable and unacceptable behavior. This includes sleeping, napping, sexual acts, browsing, watching movies and series, online shopping, new workplace shopping, and basically everything that is not your job. Disengagement is a symptom of a bigger problem and an indication that we need to do something else to become more engaged. We cannot have joy, meaning, fun and productivity in the workplace when we are disengaged. As Kirsten says, when sex, drugs and rock and roll are part of your workday – good to check in!
Crina and Kirsten offer a few helpful ways to assess our own engagement or disengagement. We can ask ourselves some questions, such as: ‘do I feel committed to the mission?’; ‘do I feel like part of the team?’; ‘do I have access to the things I need to do my job?’; ‘is there something new for me to learn?’; ‘do I feel valued and recognized?’. The answers to these questions can give you valuable insight into your disengagement or engagement with your workplace, and help you change things for the better. The fact is – you can improve matters. You can approach your manager and ask for help about doing your job and getting what you want out of it. Don’t let yourself be disengaged further when you can change the situation for the better.
Harper, Jim. “Employee Engagement on the Rise in the U.S.” Gallop, 26 Aug. 2018
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Crina and Kirsten Get to Work
Crina and Kirsten dish on all things related to women and work. Through engaging conversations and witty banter, they will inspire you to seize your power and create meaningful, joyous, fun and rewarding work in their business podcast. While exploring motivational podcast topics such as authenticity, shitty bosses, friends and negotiation, Crina and Kirsten lift up women and show the patriarchy “the hand” and “the finger”.