Crina and Kirsten Get to Work
We have one single mission: Help women find ease, meaning and joy at work and in life. We use our experiences as business owners, entrepreneurs, mentors and inspirational leaders to explore topics that all working women care about: shitty bosses; smashing the patriarchy; balancing work and life; navigating change and getting what you want! We guarantee that you will be entertained and inspired... promise!
Friday Nov 15, 2019
Friday Nov 15, 2019
Friday Nov 15, 2019
Failure is inevitable. The only way to avoid it is by doing nothing and saying nothing. Join Crina and Kirsten as they explore their own relationship to failure and explore ways to manage the emotions around this big subject.
In this episode of Crina and Kirsten Get to Work, our gals discuss failure in the workplace. Nobody likes failure but it is a reality in every workplace and for every worker. Failure prevents a lot of us challenging ourselves and taking the next step. How do you feel about failure and how does it feel when you fail? What do you worry about? And why does it feel so bad? Crina and Kirsten discuss these questions in an introduction to failure.
The studies show that women are punished more severely for mistakes than men – in other words making a mistake is more consequential if you are a woman.
Failures in the workplace can be broken into three categories – 1 - preventable failures in complex system - otherwise known as human error; 2 unavoidable failures in complex systems; 3 – error at the frontier where things are unknown. Each type of error has different consequences and results in different learning and that is the most important part of failure in the workplace, the ability to learn and grow – if you can hold on through the embarrassment, shame and whatever else comes your way.
Crina and Kirsten discuss the dos and don’ts of failure. Taking ownership and telling the truth are great places to start after a failure. It is important to get help from others too.
And it's important not to forget how to take care of ourselves after a failure – don’t wallow in your despair, but make some time to be kind and gentle with yourself – it will help you solve problems – and just make you feel better.
Thursday Oct 31, 2019
How to Combat Miscommunication and Negative Assumptions
Thursday Oct 31, 2019
Thursday Oct 31, 2019
In this episode of Crina and Kirsten Get to Work, we tackle the many ways that miscommunication happens and what you can do about it. If you’re a direct communicator like Crina, people may assume that there is some implicit message in what you are saying. They might hear you say one thing, but believe another. Miscommunication can also happen when the listener isn’t actually listening or makes incorrect assumptions about what is “really” being said. Miscommunication is also very common when we fail to listen fully because we’re waiting to talk or waiting to make our point. Finally, we all filter what is being said through our own unique experiences and stories. Many times people hear something that is actually much different than what was intended because they can’t be objective about the information that’s delivered.
Crina and Kirsten offer a few tips to combat miscommunication, starting with the elimination of assumptions. When you hear something that doesn’t sit well with you, do yourself a favor and check in. Ask that person to restate what they just said so that you can be sure you heard it accurately. If you’re using email as your primary mode of communication, practice reading that unsettling email a different way. It’s also great to develop active listening skills that make use of curiosity and kindness. Finally, when you’re the one doing the talking, make sure you’re clear about what you want to say and use clear language when delivering information.
Remember that in order to find joy, meaning and ease at work, you need to get control of how you communicate and the way you interpret what other people are saying and writing.
More info:
Thursday Oct 17, 2019
Lead Like a Girl
Thursday Oct 17, 2019
Thursday Oct 17, 2019
Crina and Kirsten are both just back from fabulous adventures and share their amazing experiences with listeners before they launch into this shows meaty topic! Both women are deeply committed to leadership – fostering those talents and skills in themselves and others – especially women.
This show is for EVERYONE. Our hosts believe we all lead from where we are. They discuss the leadership capabilities surveyed in a Harvard Business Review article by Jack Zenger and Joseph Folkman, Women Score Higher than Men in Most Leadership Skills. What a great backdrop – that women are perceived by their co-workers having the highest rated leadership capabilities – for us to discuss leadership qualities and consider which ones we have and which ones we want to develop in ourselves.
Our hosts encourage each other and the listener to see themselves as a leader and to develop those capabilities.
Articles of Interest:
Friday Oct 04, 2019
Say, 'No' and Do Less
Friday Oct 04, 2019
Friday Oct 04, 2019
Following on the heels of episode 11, The Crushing Burden, Crina and Kirsten continue their exploration of the things we juggle as professional, working woman In this episode, Crina and Kirsten turn to the practical while exploring how they each manage their time, how their values dictate their priorities, and where they spend their time. Kirsten checks in about her work to minimize her commitments while honoring her values. She talks about how she struggles to juggle responsibilities from her job, community, family and friends. Crina explores how her approach to time management is different from Kirsten’s and likely a product of her willingness to say, “no.” In addition to exploring their own styles, they also offer tips and tricks and strategies to help listeners get a grip on their own schedules. For instance, Kirsten recommends eating your big hairy frog first and Crina encourages listeners to choose themselves first. As always, Crina and Kirsten get real about the need to say, “no.”
Links nter/tutoring-and-learning/academic-skills-workshops/time-management.html
Friday Sep 20, 2019
Gratitude and Praise will change your work life
Friday Sep 20, 2019
Friday Sep 20, 2019
In this episode of Crina and Kirsten Get to Work, Crina and Kirsten talk about how critical it is to have gratitude and praise in the workplace. In fact, most workers site praise and meaning as one of the most important elements of job satisfaction. Let’s face it, feeling good and getting acknowledged feels good. When someone notices that you worked hard, did something amazing, pushed through a barrier or overcome a challenge, it makes us feel motivated to do more.
Unfortunately, the vast majority of workers report that they have not received positive feedback about their work performance. Say it ain’t so!! If this is your work culture, there are things you can do to change it for yourself, your coworkers and your organizational culture. Gratitude is not only good for the receiver, but also for the giver.
If you want to start giving praise and sharing gratitude there are a few keys to be successful. Be sure that you are giving praise in a way that works for the listener. Some people like to hear feedback in public, some people prefer private praise, some of us like to see positive comments in writing and others value a gift or a pat on the back. Positive comments are also more meaningful if they are specific and timely.
It’s also important to know yourself and know how you like to receive feedback. If you’re like Crina, you might even try asking your employer for what you want.
In addition to seeking external gratification, Crina and Kirsten remind listeners to own their power and accomplishments. Remember that you are awesome!
Listen in – you’ll be grateful!
Friday Sep 06, 2019
Your Money AND Your Life
Friday Sep 06, 2019
Friday Sep 06, 2019
Some people think money equals power, others think it's the root of all evil and some see it as a something to save and protect. What are the stories you tell yourself about money? Are you spending, saving or investing? Learn how your money script can dictate the way you think about that paycheck!
Some people say that sex and money is where it all happens for us and where we meet up with our “stuff.” Since Crina and Kirsten talk about work, they focus this episode MONEY. What is your philosophy about money? What is your money script – or what story do you tell yourself about money? Are you someone who saves every penny or are you comfortable spending? Do you think money equals power? Is it the root of all evil or does it define you and your success?
Crina and Kirsten also discuss how women are perceived as financial decision makers, what women think about their standard of living, investments and retirement.
Listen in as Crina and Kirsten tackle these issues head on while exploring their own relationships with money.
Friday Aug 23, 2019
Dealing with assholes
Friday Aug 23, 2019
Friday Aug 23, 2019
On Crina and Kirsten Get to Work, our dynamic duo talk about those folks who behave in a way that is out of line, beyond the pale and absolutely unacceptable – you know, assholes. Crina shares a recent experience where she and her son encountered a terribly mean woman who was the motivation for this show. While not in the workplace, this story launches our hosts into a discussion of these kinds of behaviors in the workplace and what you can do about it. And you have to have a few laughs about this frustrating folks.
We love to hear and share your stories, so write us at the email address included below!
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Friday Jul 12, 2019
How to Rock Your Job
Friday Jul 12, 2019
Friday Jul 12, 2019
In this episode of Get to Work, hosts Crina and Kirsten answer a simple question: what makes a good employee? Previously, they talked about how important it is for employees to identify and ask for those things that they need (or want) to make work meaningful, joyous, and fulfilling. As they discussed the importance of making those requests, one listener was intrigued to know whether there were other qualities that make a desirable worker. If you are asking yourself why another employee is having a better work experience than you are, it may be good to take Crina’s and Kirsten’s advice.
Crina and Kirsten start with the basics of being a great employee: show up on time, do the work you were hired to do, be engaged and be accountable, dress appropriately. Then, they circle back to the importance of asking for things that you need to do your job and to do it well. More specifically, Crina and Kirsten call on employees to be truthful in their requests, as well as to pose potential solutions to any problems presented. In doing these things, you help your employer know how to ensure a satisfying work relationship with you. Other qualities a great employee has are positivity, appropriate curiosity, and the ability to keep work and personal life separate.
Our hosts also discuss the employer’s’ role in making a positive work environment for their direct reports. Employers should be intentional in finding out what their employees need. It is their responsibility to make space and time for their employees to express their concerns and desires. They also must be secure and flexible to provide the opportunity for employees to come to creative solutions on their own. Crina and Kirsten want women in the workplace to show up with their best selves – and ideally in a place where the employer or manager appreciates and encourages full participation.
We love to hear and share your stories, so write us at the email address included below!
Tune in and subscribe to our podcast on Apple Podcasts, Google Play Music, Stitcher, and wherever you listen to podcasts.
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Crina and Kirsten Get to Work
Crina and Kirsten dish on all things related to women and work. Through engaging conversations and witty banter, they will inspire you to seize your power and create meaningful, joyous, fun and rewarding work in their business podcast. While exploring motivational podcast topics such as authenticity, shitty bosses, friends and negotiation, Crina and Kirsten lift up women and show the patriarchy “the hand” and “the finger”.